VIEW GALLERY: Collins Middle School Deep Sea Bots Studio Showcase

Posted on: April 12, 2024
Collins Middle School Deep Sea Bots Studio Showcase

In its latest example of the 2023-26 Strategic Plan and elevating education, the Collins Middle School Studio Learning Pilot Program students went ‘deep’ to showcase their knowledge and creativity in solving a real-world problem.

In its second exhibition of the school year, the Pilot Program students held its Deep Sea Bots Showcase, which challenged students to find eco-friendly ways to clean and maintain our oceans, from a jellyfish-like ‘Trash Jelly,’ a ‘Narwhal Octo-Sponge’ and a ‘Sea Angel,’ among other innovations.

In December, Pilot Program students concluded a 10-week project in which they reimagined what roadways, railways and how other modes of transit might appear 40 and 50 years from now, with renewable energy in mind.

View the creativity of our middle school students below: